Shopify Apps

Enabling stores to have customized features.

What is a Shopify App?
Shopify is a platform for e-commerce businesses to run online stores. It offers a wide range of features to help businesses achieve their goals in their online stores. Shopify apps are third-party extensions that stores can install to enhance their online stores, whether it's for visual improvements or added functionality.
UX Designer
Kotomi Cogdill, UI Designer, Product Manager, Developers
Figma, Notion
Main Responsibilities
  • Redesigning and restructuring the entire apps, which encompassed tasks ranging from research to the application of the company's new design systems.
  • Brief Summary
    For each app, I endeavored to gather user needs and identify pain points from their inquiries and reviews. This involved comprehensive research of competitor apps and their reviews. Subsequently, I organized this information and made decisions regarding which features to include or exclude. Afterward, I transitioned to the wireframing phase to prepare for handoff to a UI designer.

    Since these apps are primarily used in Japan, I took extra care to understand how the delivery system works there, along with the cultural context.
    Apps that I worked on:
    Note: some apps do not include my designs due to changed product maps.
    Shopify app logo, membership
    Point & Membership
    Shopify app logo, delivery time picker
    Delivery Time Picker
    Shopify app logo, multiple shipping addresses
    Multiple Shipping Addresses
    Shopify app logo, takeout & delivery
    Takeout & Delivery
    Shopify app logo, purchase data export
    Purchase Data Export
    View previous case study